CCX Written Statement

What are your qualifications for this office?

I am an engineer with an MBA. I’ve held leadership roles in global companies, and worked in and mentored start-ups for the past 10 years. Business skills are critical to guide an organization with a $350M budget, 3,000 staff, 21,000 students, and 150,000 residents. As board chair I helped lead the search for our new Superintendent, was involved in the creation of a district facilities improvement and expansion plan, and am guiding the formation of the district’s new and updated strategic plan.

What do you hope to accomplish in office?

My goal is for Osseo Area Schools to provide an excellent education, to every student, in every classroom, in every school, in every community in the district.

I want to fully open our schools as soon as possible in a safe manner.
I want to ensure that our facilities improvement and expansion plan is realized.
I want to complete and implement our district’s new strategic plan.
I want to improve our technical education programs.
I want to do all this in a fiscally sound and responsible manner